Re-imagining Futures Conference: On Our Way Towards Active Global Citizenship
The conference was organised to share action ideas among Scout and other youth leaders on global issues and to explore the role they can play in inspiring and motivating young people to take informed actions, based on critical thinking in order to create positive local and global change.
You can still benefit from the conference even if you didn’t attend it.
We produced some material to sum up not only what the participants experienced during four days packed with workshops, development coffees and other activities, but also how are we interconnected with global questions and more resources and educational materials.
You can also watch eight TEDx-style presentations delivered by speakers from all over the world (Brazil, India, Nigeria, Kenya, Ireland and Denmark). Let the speakers inspire you to informed engagement – by their experiences and examples, by presenting their life projects for facing global and local challenges, or by encouraging different perspectives and views on global issues.
Enjoy the atmosphere of the conference from the photos and videos below.
Nitya Sambamurti Ghotge (India)
Nitya is a veterinarian, her work includes research, training and policy advocacy on different aspects of livestock development especially on systems of health care as well as planning for gender sensitive and sustainable ways of farming and livestock rearing where an important aspect has been respecting community knowledge. She has significant publications on the themes of livestock development, bio diversity and systems of veterinary medicine. She is the author of the book “Livestock and Livelihoods: The Indian Context”.
In her presentation, Nitya Sambamurti Ghotge spoke about “Cross cultural learning: learning from others”.
Mary Alice Arthur (Denmark)
Mary Alice is a Story Activist. She specialises in using story in service of positive systemic shift and to access and create collective intelligence on critical issues. She sees her art as creating and hosting spaces for wise action, where people can step in, step up and step out powerfully together, clear about their common foundation, committed to their highest aspirations and taking back the power of their stories.
In her presentation, Mary Alice Arthur spoke about “The power of stories: changing our view of leadership and citizenship”.
Ben Ooko Ouma (Kenya)
Ben was born in Kibera – a slum in Nairobi. He founded several development and literacy community initiatives in Kibera slums aiming to reach young people to change their lives. Ben runs a free community library that serves more than 350 formal and non-formal educational institutions within Kibera. He also co-founded Amani Kibera and Initiative for sports and social art, a community initiative that promotes peace through education, sports and women empowerment.
In his presentation, Ben Ooko Ouma spoke about “Live your imagination, not your past”.
Bill Calhoun (Nigeria/USA/Brazil)
Bill created the Development, Culture and Social Justice study abroad program which since its inception has received hundreds of students from various parts of the world interested in social justice and global citizenship training. These educational programs are focused on issues of social justice, human development, racial equity, colonial relations of power in academic and wider social contexts, pluralization of knowledges in higher education, epistemic difference, transnational literacy and global citizenship.
In his presentation, Bill Calhoun spoke about “Global citizenship education: dreaming diversity, dreaming difference”.
Madza Ednir (Brazil)
She belongs to CECIP – Center for Creation of Popular Images, an education and communication civil society, not-for-profit organization, that puts into practice Paulo Freire’s approaches. In CECIP, she has been developing educational materials and social mobilization campaigns in Education and Civil Rights, as well as organizing training processes for change agents in the use of these materials as tools to transform realities. Madza is one of the leaders of the Brazilian pioneer Restorative Justice project, being responsible for supporting principals and teachers of Sao Caetano city in moving from punitive to restorative practices.
In her presentation, Madza Ednir spoke about “World without oppressors and oppressed: Freire’s pedagogy and restorative justice in Brazil”.
Sanjeev Ghotge (India)
His major contributions have been in the areas of environmental and social policy, energy policy and climate policy. He was a professor at the Centre for Applied Systems Analysis in Development, Pune and Senior Fellow in Climate and Sustainability policy at the World Institute of Sustainable Energy, Pune, India. He has written and overseen Climate Action plans for five states in India and has co-edited a book for the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla, India.
In his presentation, Sanjeev Ghotge spoke about “Technology and societal creativity”.
Vanessa Andreotti (Brazil/Canada)
Vanessa explores how critical global citizenship can be an effective way to support people in that process. Her research examines historical and systemic patterns of reproduction of inequalities and how these limit or enable possibilities for collective existence and global change. Her academic work is committed to protecting the public role of the university as critic and conscience of society and as a space of independent, multi-voiced, critically informed and socially accountable debates about alternative futures.
In her presentation, Vanessa Andreotti spoke about “Developing critical eyes and open heart in the global education”.
Colm A. Regan (Ireland/Malta)
He is an educational activist and is best known for his editorship of 80:20 Development in an Unequal World. As Co-ordinator with 80:20, Colm worked, along with many colleagues, on a wide variety of projects with young people in, for example, Ireland (on human rights and women’s rights); in Northern Ireland (on justice and peace issues in the context of the conflict there); on diversity and intercultural issues in Australia (with Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities); with Palestinian refugees in Beirut and with those living with the HIV virus in Zambia.
In his presentation, Colm A. Regan spoke about “Donny and Cyrus: a tale for being prepared for citizenship”.